Easy Riddles and Answers


Question: A man who couldn't speak went into a store to buy a toothbrush. He pretended to brush his teeth with his finger to tell the cashier what he wanted. The cashier understood and the man went home with the toothbrush. Then, a blind man came into the store wanting to buy sunglasses. How could he tell the cashier he wanted sunglasses?

Question: What sandwich can tell where you are and what you are eating?

Math (medium)

Question: If you are smart and very good at math. Answer these 2 math riddles. 1. What is 0x29840847894657867478465875674896478496478567968. 2. 1x89498784893246798648732742974823.

roaring call (medium)

Question: This old one runs forever, but never moves at all. He has no lungs, nor a throat, But you can hear his mighty roaring call.

Poison (medium)

Question: You have been poisoned by an evil scientist. He told you that the only antidote is the saliva of a gecko. He contains saliva of six different animals. A gecko, a lizard, a koala, a tapir, a giraffe, and a cow. He hasn’t labeled he test tubes containing the saliva f the animals. On the left is a table which four of the test tubes are one. On the right is a table which two of the test tubes are on. The lizards saliva is poisonous. The lizard and gecko test tubes are on the same table. The test tubes on the left are labelled 1, 2, 3, and 4. The gecko spit will not override the lizard poison. The lizard and gecko saliva are not right beside each other. You don't know where the cow test tube is. You know that the cow saliva is in 2 or 3 however. You know that the lizard test tube is not to the right of the cow. You only have time to drink two test tubes, which side do you run toward and which test tubes do you drink?