Our hard riddles with answers are a true test of your mental power and comprehension. With some of the world's hardest riddles, you are sure to find these brain teasers challenging and puzzling. Our riddles are rated for hardness by our Good Riddles staff and by other users of the site. But, these brain busters aren't all sweat and tears. The answers to these sometimes funny riddles may make you laugh. While these difficult riddles may drive you a little crazy sometimes, they may surprise you in the way they force you think out of the box. These what am I riddles, logic riddles, and other types in our most challenging section are a good way to work your brain and spend your free time. If you are looking for something a little easier, please check out our funny riddles section.
2499 ratings
33 saves
By Plato
Question: There is a story that a man and not a man
Saw and did not see a bird and not a bird
Perched on a branch and not a branch
And hit him and did not hit him with a rock and not a rock.
[How is this possible?]
1183 ratings
30 saves
Question: You have been given the task of transporting 3,000 apples 1,000 miles from Appleland to Bananaville. Your truck can carry 1,000 apples at a time. Every time you travel a mile towards Bananaville you must pay a tax of 1 apple but you pay nothing when going in the other direction (towards Appleland).
What is highest number of apples you can get to Bananaville?
976 ratings
18 saves
By Jane Austen
Question: When my first is a task to a young girl of spirit,
And my second confines her to finish the piece,
How hard is her fate! But how great is her merit
If by taking my whole she effects her release!
703 ratings
5 saves
Question: A fast food restaurant sells chicken in orders of 6, 9, and 20.
What is the largest number of pieces of chicken you cannot order from this restaurant?
436 ratings
8 saves
By IamTHEbest
Question: My first is often at the front door.
My second is found in the cereal family.
My third is what most people want.
My whole is one of the united states.
What am I?
595 ratings
18 saves
Question: You have two coconuts and you want to find out how high they can be dropped from a 100 story building before they break. But you only have $1.40 and the elevator costs a dime each time you ride it up (it's free for rides down).
How can you drop the coconuts to guarantee you will find the lowest floor they will break at, while starting and ending at floor 1?
Note: They break when dropped from the same height and they don't weaken from getting dropped.
575 ratings
11 saves
Question: Sum Sam and Product Pete are in class when their teacher gives Sam the Sum of two numbers and Pete the product of the same two numbers (these numbers are greater than or equal to 2). They must figure out the two numbers.
Sam: I don't know what the numbers are Pete.
Pete: I knew you didn't know the numbers... But neither do I.
Sam: In that case, I do know the numbers.
What are the numbers?
159 ratings
7 saves
By lemontart
Question: A very famous chemist was found murdered in his kitchen today. The police have narrowed it down to six suspects. They know it was a two man job. Their names: Felice, Maxwell, Archibald, Nicolas, Jordan, and Xavier.
A note was also found with the body: '26-3-58/28-27-57-16'.
Who are the killers?
285 ratings
6 saves
John has some chickens that have been laying him plenty of eggs. He wants to give away his eggs to several of his friends, but he wants to give them all the same number of eggs. He figures out that he needs to give 7 of his friends eggs for them to get the same amount, otherwise there is 1 extra egg left.
What is the least number of eggs he needs for this to be true?
412 ratings
9 saves
Question: Five pirates are parting ways after finding a treasure of 100 pieces of gold. The pirates decide to split it based on a vote. Each pirate, from oldest to youngest, gets to propose a plan on how to split the gold.
If at least 50 percent of the other remaining pirates agree on the plan, that is how they will split the gold. If less than 50 percent of the pirates agree, the pirate who came up with the plan will be thrown overboard. Each pirate is smart, greedy, and wants to throw as many others overboard as possible without reducing the amount of gold they get.
What plan can the first (oldest) pirate propose to live and get as much gold as possible?
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