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Joke: A man a his wife are having dinner when a beautiful woman approaches their table and kissed the man on the cheek and walks away. His wife asks, "Who the hell was that?"
He replies, "My mistress..."
His wife shouts, "What? I want a divorce!"
He calmly replies, "Fine. But remember, you signed a prenup. If we get divorced that means no more vacations, no more shopping trips, no more credit cards, and no more beautiful house or car. But it's up to you."
She looks at him for a moment then notices one of their mutual friends entering with a beautiful lady, "Who's that with John?" she asks.
He tells her, "That's his mistress."
His wife smiles, "Ours is prettier."
5 ratings
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Joke: What did the alien say when a man found him masturbating in his fridge?
6 ratings
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Joke: Did you hear about the leper that had trouble masturbating?
4 ratings
1 saves
Joke: A man is having sex with a married woman when her husband comes home from work early. The man runs into the closet where he hears a little voice, "Sure is dark in here."
The man replies, "Yes it is."
The boys voice says, "Wanna buy this baseball for $50?"
The man replies, "What? That's outrageous."
The boy says, "Or I can just show you my dad's shotgun."
"Okay kid, here you go," the man replies as he hands the kid the money.
The next week the man is making love to the married woman and again her husband comes home early sending him to the closet. He hears the boy's voice, "It sure is dark in here... $1000 for the glove."
The man replies, "What?! That is completely ridiculous."
The boy again says, "Would you rather see the shotgun?"
The man hands him the money and takes the glove.
The next day the boy is complaining to his father that he sold his glove and ball. The father asked him, "How much you get for it?"
The boy replies, "$1050."
The father says, "You shouldn't take advantage of your friends like that! I'm taking you to church."
At church the boy gets into the confessional box and says, "It sure is dark in here."
The priest says, "Don't start this shit again!"
9 ratings
3 saves
Joke: Two women are walking home from a night at the bar and have to pee, so they stop at a cemetery. With nothing to wipe with one uses her panties and the other uses a nearby wreath.
The next day one of the women's husbands calls the other, "They are never going out again! My wife came home without panties!"
The other replies, "You think that's bad? My wife came home with a card in her crack that said, 'From all of us at the fire station, we will never forget you!'"