Short Riddles and Answers

Ordinary word (medium)

Question: I am just an ordinary word that comes in form of a man, accepted by many but rejected by a few, not felt by many but felt by a few, not shown by many but shown by a few. What am I?

Question: A surgeon named Hal and a bus driver named Al are both in love with the same woman named Paige. Al needs to go for a long trip of 10 days. Before he left he gave Paige 10 apples. Why?

Question: There are five people at a table and a pie sliced into 5 pieces. Each person has a piece of pie in front of them, yet the pie tin still has a piece of pie in it. How is this possible?

Question: You have a glass of water that looks about half full. How can you tell, only using the glass of water itself, if the glass is half full or not?

The glass is a right cylinder.

What is it ? (medium)

Question: You can find them on plants. One is for music. Most have two. Someone may ask you for yours. Politely, you lend yours to another. Only if you are good you can play by it.