Short Riddles and Answers


Question: A child asked his grandfather: "When you were young, what were you?" The grandfather replied, "I am one hundred, nothing, one thousand, one and one hundred". What's his career?

What Am I? (medium)

Question: Men are just as small as stars to me but men can see me while the stars cannot. I am a reflection of the ocean and fire but never earth though without an earth you cannot have me.

Question: There are 3 switches downstairs, each corresponding to one of the light bulbs upstairs. How can you figure out which light switch goes to which light bulb by only making 1 trip upstairs?

Question: A five lettered word, I'm used to make bread.
Remove one letter and I'll burn you instead.
Remove two and do this to your stew.
Mix that around and a good drink we will brew.

St Ivor (medium)

Question: I was going to St. Ivor when I came across a man with 7 wives and the wives had 7 sacks and in those 7 sacks were 7 kittens and with those kittens were 7 kits. How many went to St. Ivor?