Logic Riddles


By Sal

Question: What can be dying but not be dying?

Question: A man challenges the greatest chess player in the world to two games of chess. He guarantees that he will win or tie at least one of the games for sure. To be even more cocky, the man says he will play both games at the same time.

How does he guarantee he wins or ties at least one game?

Question: A jungle is 4 miles wide. A blind boy wants to see how far he can walk into the jungle.

How far could he possibly go into the jungle?

1 + 1 = 4 (medium)

Question: If 1+1=4, 7-3=2, and 5x2=8, then what is half of 19?

Question: To dye a single Easter egg takes 7.5 minutes if you leave it in dye. How long would it take to dye 3 eggs?