Logic Riddles


Question: You have 20 sick sheep, one dies. How many are left?

Question: There are 100 coins scattered in a dark room. 90 have heads facing up and 10 are facing tails up. You cannot tell which coins are which. How do you sort the coins into two piles that contain the same number of tails up coins?

Something (medium)

Question: What is in the middle of the moon, At the end of an igloo And goes round in loops?

Question: I was crucified to keep murders out of the maze. What am I?

Unlogical (medium)

Question: You're in a unbreakable room. You only have scissors and a 2-feet long rope and logic. There's a small window, big enough only to put one item through. The rope nor the scissors doesn't fit into the window. How do you escape?