Logic Riddles


Question: Tall as a tree, dressed in white, my bridal veil is shiny bright Up all night, never sleeping: if i rest, many are weeping. Upon the shores since the days of old, my silent message what am i?

Question: On 20 planes I may be, but only rest on one you see. I can help you or hurt you, depending on where I lay. Because I am not the kind you use everyday

Question: A deer ran through a glass door on the back porch of a house. It broke through the large exterior pane of glass and ended up inside the house. Why did the deer do this?

President Fun (medium)

Question: The 22nd and 24th Presidents had the same biological mother and father, but weren't brothers. They were both male, and were never female. Neither were adopted or "switched at birth". How is this possible?

Question: She lay on her soft bed. She has envy toward us. Why?