Funny Riddles


Question: A pet shop owner had a parrot with a sign on its cage that said "Parrot repeats everything it hears." A young man bought the parrot and for two weeks he spoke to it but it didn't say a word. He tried to return the parrot but the shopkeeper said he never lied.

How can this be?

Question: My name can have any letter of the alphabet, but I always have 2 X's.

What am I?

Question: The first is a sign of something good,
the second says whereto;
the third is vulgar and mean,
the fourth is bound by a ring;
the fifth is the noble one.
Together they all drum.

What are they?


Look at my apple, keep me near.

Listen closely, I'll put worms in your ear.


What am I?

Question: A butcher named butch is 6 feet tall and has size 12 shoes.

What does he weigh?