Good Riddles

The Captor (medium)

By Kaio

Question: I'll capture you, hold you, and to your dismay, drag you thru space and time, all in one day. Move 'cross the globe with a single command, now tell me what I'll subject you to at your demand.

Who am I? (medium)

By Amad

Question: What is red and white at home, but can never be that when it leaves?

Riddle #125 (medium)

Question: Feathers, I am as light,
But quite heavy if squeezed tight.
I'm seen as clean and pure,
but often talked about with dirty terms.
What am I?

Question: You are trying to get your chicken, fox, and wheat to the barn. However, the barn is on the other side of the river. You are on a boat and can only transport one animal or wheat at a time. You must choose carefully not to leave the wrong two together, though. It's either the fox will eat the chicken or the chicken will eat the wheat. How do you take each thing across safely?

Funny Joke (medium)

Question: What is brown, has a tail and head?