31 ratings
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Question: There are ten horses in a field. They each have a stable. There was a storm one day and struck one of the stables. The stable burned. There are now 9 stables. Every horse has to go in a stable at night. You can't build another stable and you can't fit 2 horses in one stable. How do you fit ten horses in 9 stables?
20 ratings
1 saves
Question: We are just like people. We grow, we get old, we die off. We come in many different colors. Black, white, brown. We come in a army, there are thousands of us, yet we have no war. But we will still die off over the years. What am I?
57 ratings
1 saves
Question: It is able, but not capable.
It can stop, but not go.
It is dead, but not yet perished.
It's a ghost, but not paranormal.
Is it high, or is it low?
16 ratings
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By Sarah4848
Question: John has 22 apples in a basket. Meghan and Dave both take 2 and you take 16 how many apples do you have?
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