Good Riddles


Question: I wasn't born a horse,
and I never fly.
Yet sometimes I still soar,
right into the sky.
I often contain breath,
and yet I never die.
Sometimes I am torn,
but I never sigh.
Often, with ambition, I aspire,
and go till I can go no higher.
Then, like many men, so great,
I sink into a low state.
What am I?

Riddle #781 (medium)

By Set

Question: Something all men have,
but all men deny.
Man created it,
but no man can hold it.

What is it?

Riddle #651 (medium)

Question: I can go up a chimney down but not down a chimney up?

What am I?

Pain and Fear (medium)

Question: I am pain, I am fear, I will take what you hold dear, Nations shudder when I'm near, Many die when I'm here. What am I?

Funny Riddle (medium)

Question: Why was the fat man sad?