Good Riddles

Riddle #68 (medium)

Question: Mr. Paige is an only child. Mr and Mrs Paige have 3 daughters and for each daughter in the family there is a brother how many members are in the Paige family?

SON (medium)

By chin

Question: Sam's father have ten sons. 1st son is called One. Second son is called Two Third son called three . Fourth son called four and fifth son called five. Sixth son called six and seventh son called seven. Eight son called eighty and ninth son called nimer. What is the tenth son's name

Question: I move faster in certain solids, but slower in certain gases. I am typically broken by objects with large masses. I can be used as for pleasure, practice, and even an alarm. If used excessively, I can cause harm. What am I?

Riddle #396 (medium)

Question: There are five hen and rooster pairs. Each pair has one baby every month.

How many chickens will there be in one year?

Rat maze (medium)

Question: A rat is placed at the beginning of a maze and must make it to the end. There are four paths at the start that he has an equal chance of taking: path A takes 5 minutes and leads to the end, path B takes 8 minutes and leads to the start, path C takes 3 minutes and leads to the end, and path D takes 2 minutes and leads to the start.

What is the expected amount of time it will take for the rat to finish the maze?