2 ratings
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Joke: Did you hear about the guy who spent 5 years trying to find a limo driver who would take his cat around the town?
2 ratings
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By timinator117
Joke: The barman says, "Sorry, we don't serve particles faster than the speed of light." A tachyon walks into a bar.
2 ratings
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By CurtisG95
Joke: Yo mama so fat, when she walked into the clothing store, GAP, the manager said,"Oh nice, you must be our mascot."
3 ratings
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By RiditMan
Joke: Yo Mama so fat that when she went on the scale Buzz Lightyear popped out of it and yelled, "Infinity and Beyond!"
5 ratings
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Joke: A neutron walks into a bar and asks the bartender how much a drink is. The bartender replies, "For you? No charge."
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