6 ratings
0 saves
Joke: What do you do if you are getting chased by a tiger, lion, and elephant chasing you on horseback?
1 ratings
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By j0rg3
Joke: Teacher: Wheres your Homework? Timmy: I ate it Teacher: Why? Timmy: Because my Dog said so!
2 ratings
0 saves
By Sirius
Joke: What did the female scientist say, when the male scientist showed her pictures of a "new" planet?
1 ratings
0 saves
By CurtisG95
Joke: Yo mama so dumb, when she hopped in the pool, she took a cue stick with her and said"pool time."
2 ratings
0 saves
Joke: Math teacher: You can't use y to represent a single point!
Student: Y-naught?
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