8 ratings
0 saves
Joke: Honestly, I don't understand why people think Chuck Norris is so great. I think-
. . . disconnected
2 ratings
0 saves
Joke: A tree walks into a bank and asks for a loan. The teller says, "You'll have to speak to our branch manager."
4 ratings
0 saves
Joke: Some people say the answer to everything is Chuck Norris, this is also Chuck Norris' shoe size. Coincidence?
41 ratings
0 saves
Joke: A man is going around stealing all of the toilets at police stations.
Police have nothing to go on.
3 ratings
0 saves
By CurtisG95
Joke: Yo mama so stupid, when she saw the movie iron man, she didn't like it because it didn't show a man ironing.
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