Short Riddles and Answers


Question: There were 2 children, the son and the daughter. The daughter was born on January 20th and the son was born on March 12th. Both of them were born in the morning. Which one did their parents see first?

Question: Samuel was out for a walk and it started to rain. He did not have an umbrella and he wasn't wearing a hat. His clothes were soaked, yet not a single hair on his head got wet.

How could this be?

The Driver (medium)

Question: You are driving a car.. The car traveled for 25 km and then stopped.. After having lunch he starts the car at exact 3 pm and stops at 5 again.. he travels for only 2 hours every time. Who is the driver?

Question: A town builds a bridge, but this bridge can only hold three people at a time or it will collapse. One night, a baker, a flourist and a butcher go on the bridge, and it collapses. Why did it collapse?

Question: Tall as a tree, dressed in white, my bridal veil is shiny bright Up all night, never sleeping: if i rest, many are weeping. Upon the shores since the days of old, my silent message what am i?