Short Riddles and Answers

Child's Play (medium)

Question: Within me you can find gold Also 'The Greatest', if I should be so bold. Unfortunately, as you might see 'The Worst' is also apart of me. What am I?

Question: My name is Ruger. I live in a farm. There are four other dogs in the farm with me. Their names are Snowy, Flash, Speed, and Brownie. Who is the fifth dog?

Impossible (medium)

Question: A spirited jig it dances bright, Banishing all but darkest night. Fire can't kill it but water can. Share it, it won't get less unless wind will ruin it.

Question: You struggle to regain me.
When I'm lost, you struggle to obtain me.
I pass no matter your will,
but I'm your slave to kill.
What am I?

Question: Sometimes I'm high and sometimes low,
and I creep between your toes.
My orders come from the sky,
I make men fall and rise.

What am I?