Short Riddles and Answers


Question: At the end of a long dark cave there is a monster made of lead. Be careful. One twitch of the finger and you will release it.

What is it?

Question: You have lost your mother at the carnival. You search for her and eventually you see her.

What's the first thing you do when you see her?

Question: 5 bricks construct me, you'll find a candle in the middle. I am the antithesis of heavy, Without me you couldn't read the riddle. What am I?

Decapitate me (medium)

Question: Decapitate me and all becomes equal. Then truncate me and I become second. Cut me front and back and I become two less than I started. What am I?

Room (medium)

Question: You need a room for your group. Each person needs 5 square feet of space. You have 25 people in your group, what is the smallest room you can use?