Long Riddles and Answers


Question: I have the same mum as somebody else,the same dad,the same birthday,the same age and the same sisters but we are not twins. What are we?

Question: A thing which is Live ,as we use it Everyday for watching this Beautiful Nature,and has high auto-focusing strength!!! so what is it??

What is it ? (medium)

Question: Stars, scores and springs have them. Fingers, and backs have them. Keys, switches and cups have them. Leaders and mothers have them.

Question: There are 2 fathers and 2 sons going on a fishing trip. Every person catches one fish. In total, there were only 3 fish. How is that so?

Question: I am a small room,
but no life lives inside,
no matter what weather looms,
very cold my residents reside.
What am I?