Hard Riddles and Answers


Question: I am two five letter names 500 is at the start, 10 is in my heart. In the middle of that is 1, Near the end is none. At the end is 14, Yet that is not all that has been seen. It's a word that rhymes with liver, Yes, to the left of that is river.

Down and Up (medium)

Question: What comes down and never goes up?

Doctor (medium)

Question: A dad and his son were riding their bikes and crashed.They were carried to hospitals.And the doctor who looked the son told "i will rescue u because u r my son.How is this possible?

The Driver (medium)

Question: You are driving a car.. The car traveled for 25 km and then stopped.. After having lunch he starts the car at exact 3 pm and stops at 5 again.. he travels for only 2 hours every time. Who is the driver?

substance (medium)

Question: you have two liquid substances in a sealed jar one yellow one white, they stay separate even when shaken. When poured out the white substance turns clear what am i?

What is it ? (medium)

Question: You can find them on plants. One is for music. Most have two. Someone may ask you for yours. Politely, you lend yours to another. Only if you are good you can play by it.

The pool (medium)

Question: 20 kids go inside the pool and 20 for heads come out

Calendar (medium)

Question: What was the calendar so cramped up and going crazy?

Funny Joke (medium)

Question: What is brown, has a tail and head?

Riddle (medium)

Question: Without one or the other both would not exist. what i'm I ?