Good Riddles


Question: My first is often at the front door.
My second is found in the cereal family.
My third is what most people want.
My whole is one of the united states.

What am I?

Riddle #701 (medium)

Question: Draw, fire, or fill me;
I'm still empty.

What am I?

Question: A smooth dance, a ball sport, a place to stay, an Asian country, and a girl's name.

What's her name?

Riddle #1661 (medium)

Question: A man challenges you to a coin flipping contest. One of you must flip heads, then tails, then heads. The other must flip heads, then tails, then tails. Whoever succeeds in fewer flips is the winner.

Which should you choose?

Riddle #2039 (medium)

By Bist

Question: People pick me, and watch me until they give me power. Then they don't stare in my eyes. What am I?