Good Riddles


Question: I know all, have seen all, yet I am not conscious. Looking back upon me shows mistakes and also good things. Looking in the middle of me shows opportunities to be exploited. Looking forward upon me shows the effects of decision. What am I?

Question: What smells better than it tastes?

Number Series (medium)

Question: Which is the missing number in the below Number Series? 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, ?, 19

Question: What is God's favourite food?

Rat maze (medium)

Question: A rat is placed at the beginning of a maze and must make it to the end. There are four paths at the start that he has an equal chance of taking: path A takes 5 minutes and leads to the end, path B takes 8 minutes and leads to the start, path C takes 3 minutes and leads to the end, and path D takes 2 minutes and leads to the start.

What is the expected amount of time it will take for the rat to finish the maze?