Good Riddles

Journal (medium)

Question: A guy writes in his journal. He writes "Hey, journal, today I... 'Dinner is ready!' Is what his wife said." But the guy had no wife. How is this possible?

Which Door? (medium)

Question: Suppose you had to pick 1 of 3 doors to go through. One has ninja assassins, one has a lion that hasn't eaten in 3 months, and one has a flaming inferno. Which door should you choose in order to live?

Decapitate me (medium)

Question: Decapitate me and all becomes equal. Then truncate me and I become second. Cut me front and back and I become two less than I started. What am I?

99=100 (medium)

Question: When is 99 EQUAL to 100? 😄 ----------- =

What Falls? (medium)

Question: What can fall but never stay, something colorless with peoples dislikes?