Good Riddles

Math whiz (medium)

By jena

Question: What kind of math do Owls like?

Riddle #43 (medium)

Question: I am taken from a mine, and shut up in a wooden case, from which I am never released, and yet I am used by almost everybody.

What am I?

Riddle #81 (medium)

Question: A person has one lion, one lamb and a bundle of grass. He wants to cross a river but there is only one boat and it can't sustain the weight of more than two articles at time. Also, he has to make sure that the lion doesn't eat the lamb and the lamb doesn't eat the grass. How will he get to the other side of the river with all three intact?

Riddle #86 (medium)

Question: A blue man lives in a blue house. A green man lives in a green house. Who lives in the white house?

Riddle #126 (medium)

Question: It dances and skips,
it's read in the eyes but it cheats with the hips,
If it meets its match it's easily caught,
but it's worth nothing if it is bought.
What is it?