Good Riddles


Question: What has an eye but cannot see, takes time to generate, and can dissipate in seconds?

By lr

Question: My first is in yesterday, but not in today; My second is in after, but not in before; My third is in start, and also in stop; My fourth is the 20th letter of the English alphabet; My fifth is in correct but not in wrong; and my sixth is in pretty, but not in cute. My whole is something celebrated by Christians. What is this teaser referring to?

Question: Though I live beneath a roof,
I never seem to dry.
If you will only hold me,
I swear I will not lie.

What am I?

Age (medium)

By Sal

Question: Sam has two sons named Nathan and Daniel, Daniel is exactly 5 years older than Nathan and Daniel was born on February 29th 1996. How old is Nathan?

🙋 (medium)

Question: I am the thing that is used to make your weight. What am i?