
You have a large number of friends coming over and they all get thirsty. Your first friend asks for 1/2 a cup of water. Your second friend asks for 1/4 a cup of water. Your third friend asks for 1/8 a cup of water, etc.

How many cups of water do you need to serve your friends?

notitle:( (medium)

Question: I have 3 eye colors yellow red and green when the red eye opens everybody freezes. What am I?

Question: What has 6 wheels and flies?

Question: A smooth dance, a ball sport, a place to stay, an Asian country, and a girl's name.

What's her name?

Riddle #181 (medium)

Question: Thirty white horses stand on a red hill,
First they champ,
Then they stamp,
Then they stand still.

What are they?