Math Riddles

Kidnapper (medium)

Question: The Duke of Riddleton has been kidnapped. The police have identified 3 suspects, all of which had motive, and opportunity to do the deed. Their names are Andrew, Jason, and Shawn. All of them claim that they didn't do it, but Jason and Shawn seemed nervous wile being questioned. There was a note left behind, with the following description: 1491011. Who kidnapped the duke?

Question: 3 men walk into a hotel. The room they want it is 30 dollars. They each pay ten. Once they get up to their room the manager realizes that the room was only supposed to be 25 dollars. He sends the bellboy up with 5 1 dollar bills. On the way to their room, the belly boy thinks "I can't split five 1s between five guys". So, he pockets 2 of the dollars and gives each of the men a dollar. Now, the men have only paid 9 dollars each. 9X3=27 and the bellboy pocketed 2 dollars which makes 29... Where is the other dollar?

Question: There are three jars full of equal amounts quarters, dimes, and penny's. Which one has the highest value?

By David Pleacher

Question: Does an ounce of gold or an ounce of feathers weight more?

perfection (medium)

Question: 1 is 3, 3 is 5, 5 is 4, 4 is perfect. Why?