Math Riddles


Question: There is a 100 pound watermelon laying out in the sun. 99 percent of the watermelon's weight is water. After laying out for a few hours 98 percent of the watermelon's weight is water.

How much water evaporated?

1st or 2nd (medium)

By Jdog

Question: You got a trophy that was two feet tall and your friend got a trophy that was 1 yard tall. Did you get 1st or 2nd?

Question: 2+3=8 4+5=24 6+7=42 8+9=80 9+10=?

Question: What temperature is twice as hot as 0 degrees Celsius?

Question: There are five hen and rooster pairs. Each pair has one baby every month.

How many chickens will there be in one year?