Logic Riddles


Question: There are three boxes labeled "Apples", "Oranges", and "Apples and oranges". Each box has the wrong label on it. How could you correctly label all three of the boxes by taking only one piece of fruit fruit from one of the boxes?

Question: What is the difference between a dollar and a half and thirty five-cents?

Question: My first is third, like the sound of the sea. My second is the center of you, not me. My third is the end of him, not you. My fourth starts a picture, not a view. My fifth is in bean, though not in been, My sixth and seventh start seldom seen. Sunrise and sunset, warmth and cold, Put these together and a sign will unfold.

Question: Everything is what it is not, but everything is not what it is. So what is everything?

Question: Ive said 'I am 11 years old' however, I'm 21 years old. How is that possible?