Logic Riddles

Fatal Detail (medium)

Question: You are in a car with your friend and your car ran out of gas. You went to the gas station to go pick up some gas. You told your friend to close all the windows and don't turn the radio on. Your friend turned the radio on and the radio was the news reporting there is a murderer in town. Your friend looked up and saw the murderer. The murderer killed your friend. How is this possible?

Question: Farrah has two brothers. The first brother is called feather one and his second brother is named feather two. What is his name?

Question: How can you take 9 away from 8?

Question: A van with 15 seats carried only 14 passengers plus the driver. Each passenger entered the van alone and occupied only one seat. Without considering the heart of the driver, upon critical observation, there are 29 hearts beating in the van. How is this possible?

Question: A man in downtown runs a tea shop, one day his bulb goes out, so he gets on a ladder to replace it, however; he falls off and his priceless Chinese attire gets covered in tea, yet he is able to salvage it, how?