Logic Riddles


Question: One day a man broke his leg. When he was sent home from the hospital he had to use a wheelchair. The doctors told him he could not go up stairs. When the man got home he realized he had stairs to get into his house on both sides. The man saw his neighbor, the doctor who x-rayed him at the hospital, getting out or her car. The man asked "can you carry me up the stairs?" The woman replied "no." Why?

Question: An apple tree has apples on it. A storm comes through and there is no longer apples on the tree. But there isn't apples on the ground either.

How can this be so?

Question: Three gods A, B, and C are called, in no particular order, True, False, and Random. True always speaks truly, False always speaks falsely, but whether Random speaks truly or falsely is a completely random matter. Your task is to determine the identities of A, B, and C by asking three yes-no questions; each question must be put to exactly one god. The gods understand English, but will answer all questions in their own language, in which the words for yes and no are da and ja, in some order. You do not know which word means which.

What three questions can you ask?

Who is it? (medium)

Question: A rich man suddenly dies from a cut on his finger. The next day, two men appeared and claimed to be his long-lost son. They both fit the description in the will and had all the necessary documents. The family attorney proposed a blood test. One man agreed while the other point blank refused. The one who agreed was arrested for fraud at once. The second man was accepted as the heir. Why?

Question: There's a place in the world where the wind blows south then suddenly north.

Where is it?