Best Riddles and Answers

Trump (medium)


Question: if Donald trump has 57 dollars and he spends 26 dollars and the cashier guy gives him 36 cents back, how much money does he have?

Question: A man in tights is knocked out by a rock next to him.The rock did not touch him.What happened to him?

Plane Crash (medium)

Question: Bill was a Pilot. He was going to retire. But before he retired he wanted to do one more flight over the Atlantic Ocean (Other people were on the plane). Bill crashed (To no surprise, he was 94) and every single person on the plane died. The next week Charlie Marcial was interviewed on a T.V. show. He was famous because he survived Bill's last plane crash. How is this possible?

Question: How much is a good night sleep worth?

What am I? (medium)

Question: I don't like crackers and I don't drink tea. I just want to eat what I used to be.