Best Riddles and Answers


By William Shakespeare

Question: What is he that builds stronger than either the mason, the shipwright, or the carpenter?

Question: I can be used to build castles,
but I crumble in your hands.
I can help a man see,
and am found all around the lands.

What am I?

Question: You went into the forest and got me,
you sat down to find me,
you went home with me because you couldn't find me.

What am I?

Unlogical (medium)

Question: You're in a unbreakable room. You only have scissors and a 2-feet long rope and logic. There's a small window, big enough only to put one item through. The rope nor the scissors doesn't fit into the window. How do you escape?

Question: I was crucified to keep murders out of the maze. What am I?