Best Riddles and Answers


Question: I give you a family of three:

One is sits down, and will never get up.
The second eats as much as is given to him, yet is always hungry.
The third goes away and will never return.

What are they?

Question: I have heard of a something-or-other, growing in its nook, swelling and rising, pushing up its covering. Upon that boneless thing a cocky-minded young woman took a grip with her hands; with her apron a lord's daughter covered the tumescent thing.

What is it?

Question: A couple goes on a plane. The plane crashes. The crash is in all the newspapers, on all the news channels on radio and television, and everywhere for everything. You know why? Because every single person died. But the next day, that same couple are found walking on the street, happy as can be, not a scratch or bruise on them. How can that be? P.S.: For more fun, only read this once. Reading it more will give it away plainly, and you came here to have fun, right?

Question: What goes up but never comes down?

What am I? (medium)

Question: I do good things, but one small push could be a horrid disaster! I am normally used for decoration now.