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Author's Riddles

The Snowfall (medium)

By Fred

Question: There has just been a heavy snowfall, Jeff goes out side and finds that there is twice as much snow in his garden as his neighbour's Kate but Jeff doesn't seem surprised.Why?

The Tide (medium)

By Fred

Question: At low tide 14 rungs of a ship are above the water, the rungs are 15 centimeters apart. each 15 mins the water rises 15 centimeters. after 2 hours and 30 mins how many rungs are above the water?

By Fred

Question: what goes up but doesn't come down

Just a Riddle (medium)

By Fred

Question: The person who makes me doesn't use me, the person who buys me doesn't use me, the person who buys me is sad, the person who uses me doesn't know it.

Author's Jokes

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By Fred

Joke: How many Idiots does it take to change a light bulb?

Punch line: 100, 1 to hold the bulb and 99 to trun the room

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By Fred

Joke: How did Tyranna find us

Punch line: Tyranna-saur-us

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