Riddle #749

Question: A fast food restaurant sells chicken in orders of 6, 9, and 20.

What is the largest number of pieces of chicken you cannot order from this restaurant?

Riddle Discussion

By: PATDROSES48 on 22/11/16

But if you order 3 sets of 20 pieces of chicken that you'll have 43, and 17 extra

By: XxDemonicPenisxX on 16/1/16

Say that you have a function of boolean (true/false statement) which states that,\n\nf(x) = {\nfalse if x is less than 6\ntrue if x = 6\ntrue if x = 9\ntrue if x = 20\nelse f(x) = f(x - 6) or f(x - 9) or f(x - 20)\n}\n\nBy "or" I mean if one of those (f(x - 6) or f(x - 9) or f(x - 20)) is true, then f(x) = true.\nLet's put it into a boolean sequence, or you can call it an array!\n1 2 3 4 5 = false because it's less than 6\n6 = true\n7 8 = false because f(7 - 6) is false, f(7 - 9) is false, f(7 - 20) is false\nand so on. By writing it on a paper or a program, you'll eventually come to 43, which is by far the largest number you cannot order because 43 has a statement of FALSE in f(x) and 44 45 46 etc has a statement of TRUE.

By: Jimbo on 21/6/14


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