Tastes better than it smells

Question: What tastes better than it smells?

Riddle Discussion

By: Riverjoans on 2/12/21

<a href="https://www.stampasolutions.com/">Tongue</a>

By: Horatibro on 19/11/16

A tongue

By: Littlememe on 15/8/16


By: RiddlezRLGrech on 26/7/16


By: nashlover007 on 13/6/16


By: arizonagabe5 on 22/3/16

tongue xDD

By: Autismspeaks2day on 17/2/16

A tongue "tastes" better than it "smells".

By: ccagianna on 11/2/16

tongue lol\n\n

By: TheRiddler123 on 9/2/16


By: RiddleMastery on 17/1/16

Too easy :D A Tongue!!\n\n// www.hardcoreriddles.com

By: TheRiddler123 on 9/2/16


By: Jaspreet on 8/1/16


By: Hectic713 on 15/12/15


By: graceboothlover1 on 18/5/15

A Toung. Duhhhhhhhhhhh

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