85 ratings
12 saves
Question: There are four men: Abe, Butch, Cam, and Dan. There are four hats: two white and two black. They each get a hat: Abe gets black, Butch gets white, Cam gets black, and Dan gets white. They don't know what hat color they have. Abe goes into a room so that no one can see his hat. The others line up in front of the door in the order Butch, Cam, and Dan (Butch can't see the others hats, Cam can see Butch's, and Dan can see Cam and Butch's hats). Whoever can figure out their hat color first wins $1,000. If they are wrong they are out of the running.
Which man can figure out his hat color without a doubt?
6428 ratings
34 saves
Question: What tastes better than it smells?
4481 ratings
23 saves
Question: What goes in the water black and comes out red?
3860 ratings
34 saves
Question: What loses its head in the morning and gets it back at night?