4 people have to cross a bridge in 17 minutes

Question: Four people need to cross a bridge in 17 minutes in the middle of the night. The bridge can only hold two or less people at any time and they only have one flashlight so they must travel together (or alone). The flashlight can only travel with a person so every time it crosses the bridge it must be carried back. Tom can cross in 1 minute, John can cross in 2 minutes, Sally can cross in 5 minutes, and Connor can cross in 10 minutes. If two people cross together they go as fast as the slower person.How can they cross the bridge in 17 minutes or less?

Riddle Discussion

By: MikeHolmes on 19/9/14

1st . Tom n John (2min) , let tom return with the light, TimeTaken 3min . \n2nd. Connor n Sally they take only 10mins , John returns with the light(2min). So total time 15mins. \n3rd. Only Tom n john remains , they take 2min to cross .\nValla ... Cross within 17min.

By: McJagger on 26/7/14

Tell Connor to get his butt in gear

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