Riddle #566

Question: You have been given the task of transporting 3,000 apples 1,000 miles from Appleland to Bananaville. Your truck can carry 1,000 apples at a time. Every time you travel a mile towards Bananaville you must pay a tax of 1 apple but you pay nothing when going in the other direction (towards Appleland).

What is highest number of apples you can get to Bananaville?

Riddle Discussion

By: Matchstick on 16/10/16

833 apples

By: XxDemonicPenisxX on 16/1/16

You can actually get some apples to Bananaville. This is only a temporary solution of mine but let's say that you bring 1000 apples 667 miles to Bananaville, therefore 333 apples remain there, 333 miles from Bananaville. You then go to the Appleville bringing nothing and repeat that process 2 times, so 333 miles from Bananaville you'll have 999 apples (assuming there's no one to steal your apples -- duh!). Then if you bring those 999 apples 333 miles to Bananaville, you'll have 666 apples you can get to Bananaville.

By: Theriddler987 on 17/7/15

I have a question about the answer if you get more apples don't you go back to Appleland to get more? Than you would have to go one thousand miles to get to bananaville. The truck can only hold one thousand apples at a time. Even if you went 999 miles with 1000 apples went back to fill up the truck did it again than you would have 1002 apples left but no way to carry the two extra apples. How would you get the two apples to bananaville?

By: Theriddler987 on 17/7/15

0 none N/A to bananavill

By: Ronnietee777 on 11/7/15

I can get not apples to bananaville . Thanks to the tax.

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