Riddle #519

Question: Mary gets in the shower, but surprisingly her hair is not wet when she gets out. How is this possible?

Riddle Discussion

By: nashlover007 on 13/6/16

she did not turn the water on

By: averagethinker on 11/4/16

She never turned the water on.

By: Chargerfan007 on 7/4/16

she went to a baby shower

By: Autismspeaks2day on 19/2/16

She never turned the shower on.

By: Theriddler987 on 9/7/15

She wears a shower cap

By: TheShadowRider14 on 27/11/14

She wore a showercap.

By: Bandanaman on 3/8/14

Or, she has cancer for which she has undergone chemotherapy, so she has no hair.

By: eliteninja72 on 29/9/14

This is good but a better one or a continuation of your answer would be that her hair is a wig, and therefore she did not shower with it.

By: trinitycupcake on 27/11/13

How many guessed it right!

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