Riddle #516

Question: Is an older one-hundred dollar bill worth more than a newer one?

Riddle Discussion

By: kashifonepa on 5/5/20

This website is a best example of good and quality content, all riddles are very informative, i must say everyone should follow this website. though i have find another trivia questions website here https://triviaquestions4u.com/

By: goldenapollo1 on 22/8/17

An older 100 dollar bill is worth more than a newer 1 dollar bill. So yes

By: Saikomen on 8/8/16

This doesn't make much sense, both have the same value???

By: nashlover007 on 13/6/16

non there 100

By: ChinyCat on 6/11/15

If you don't get it, newer one doesn't mean a newer hundred-dollar bill, it means a one-dollar bill that is newer than the hundred-dollar bill.

By: Shrlz on 3/11/15

Theyre both $100

By: sandy0072 on 14/10/15

no, they're still both 100 dollars...

By: isuzu on 9/10/15


By: Ronnietee777 on 10/7/15

Yes because it's 100 times more valuable.

By: Lapislaslie930 on 12/3/16

I agree

By: xXBARNSLEYFCXx on 17/2/15

They are both the same

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