40 ratings
4 saves
Question: Two men come before the king because one of their beloved pets has been claimed by the other. Both of these men claim that the same cow is theirs. The king declares that one of the men will get the cow and he will give the other man one of his cattle, just to be fair. He will decide which man gets which at random. One of the men thanks the king for his generosity but the other man does not accept the offer. One man leaves with the disputed cow.
Which man gets the cow?
6427 ratings
34 saves
Question: What tastes better than it smells?
33 ratings
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By Bist
Question: People see through me, but none pass through without killing me. I can be anywhere, and can be seen double or single. What am I?
4481 ratings
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Question: What goes in the water black and comes out red?