Riddle #140

Question: What 3 positive numbers give the same result when multiplied and added together?

Riddle Discussion

By: Mongreller on 13/7/16

The numbers are a, b, and (a+b)/(ab-1)for any a>0, b>0 such that ab>1. For example \\pi, e, and (\\pi+e)/(e\\pi-1).

By: emiled108 on 20/3/16

I am sorry to anounce you that the maker of this riddle failed; the solution is not 1,2and 3, the solution can be anithing as long as you follow a simple mathematic rule: let's call the three numbers x, y and z,\n\nX=2/Y\nZ=(Y²+2)/Y\n\nChoose any Y and you got a different solution, such as 0.5, 4 and 4.5

By: MikeHolmes on 18/9/14

the no.s are \n 1 , 2 and 3.

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