How many animals of each kind did Moses bring on the ark

Question: How many animals of each kind did Moses bring on the ark?

Riddle Discussion

By: Bandanaman on 3/8/14

Moses's ark had 2 creatures on it, both seraphim (the ark of the covenant).

By: jpksig on 14/12/14

Seraphim are a class of angels, not animals. Whether a person is a believer or not, purely from a literary standpoint, the Bible identifies that God created animals on Earth, to inhabit Earth, and that Seraphim are a heavenly race. Also, even if this did mean Moses and the Ark of the Covenant, and the riddle author thought of Seraphim as animals, I still think they'd have pulled a fast one and said '0' and claimed those were statues of Seraphims on the Ark, and the use of "animal" would imply they meant living beings.

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