Long Riddles and Answers

What am I ? (medium)

Question: I have the power to turn day into night And night into day I am worshiped by many Even when I'm quartered and halved. Look but you shall not find me when I am new.

What am I? (medium)

Question: I'm priceless, and cannot be bought, Some seek my purpose, Others destroy me, Those who steal me gain no more, I never last forever, but can a life-time. What am I?

Question: It is able, but not capable.
It can stop, but not go.
It is dead, but not yet perished.
It's a ghost, but not paranormal.

Is it high, or is it low?

Question: A deer ran through a glass door on the back porch of a house. It broke through the large exterior pane of glass and ended up inside the house. Why did the deer do this?

Question: A man was looking at a picture. While staring at the picture he said, brothers and sisters I have none but this man's father is my father's son. Who is in the picture?