Long Riddles and Answers


Question: Anna can drive a Toyota, but not a Prius.
She can marry Otto, but not Peter.
She can borrow or rob, but not share and steal.

Can Anna pull up if I pull up?

Question: If you have a rope around a soccer ball and the moon, which rope would have to increase in length more to create a one meter gap between the rope and the soccer ball/moon?

Question: I can be half without getting thinner.
I can shine with no fire.
I can be hidden but never taken.
I can stay dry while moving the ocean.

What am I?

Question: Wednesday, Tom and Joe went to a restaurant and ate dinner. When they were done they paid for the food and left. But Tom and Joe didn't pay for the food.

Who did?

Question: I can be found all around the world I can be stricken but not feel it Both the moon and the sun know who I am I can be seen twice a day and 730 times a year What am I?