Good Riddles

Riddle #620 (medium)

Question: What is one in every doll, in every doll, in every doll?

Question: My first is often at the front door.
My second is found in the cereal family.
My third is what most people want.
My whole is one of the united states.

What am I?

Question: How many animals of each kind did Moses bring on the ark?

Question: Four jolly men sat down to play, they played all night until the break of day.
They played for cash and not for fun, with a separate score for every one.
When it came time to square accounts, they all made quite fair amounts.
Not one lost and all gained.

Now that you've heard, can you explain?

Riddle #915 (medium)

Question: I wear a red coat and have a stone in my throat.

What am I?