Good Riddles


Question: A fast food restaurant sells chicken in orders of 6, 9, and 20.

What is the largest number of pieces of chicken you cannot order from this restaurant?

Question: What's the angle between minute hand and hour hand at a quarter past three?

Question: Queens can move horizontally, vertically and diagonally any number of spaces as illustrated. One piece 'attacks' another if it moves to the same tile that the other piece is on. How can you arrange eight queens on the board so they cannot attack each other?

Question: A man is writing his will and he wants to leave everything he has to one of his two sons, whichever one is more dedicated. To decide which one will win his fortune he gives them each a car and tells them that whoever's car passes the finish line he has set up last will get everything he has.After a month of both sons refusing to cross the line they finally go to their uncle for advice. They both leave their uncles house in a hurry and race to the finish line as fast as they can.What advice did their uncle give?

Question: Can you rearrange the letters in new door to make one word?